SGA passes $88,000 budget

Student Government Association passed through the largest student-controlled budget on campus Wednesday afternoon.

More than $85,000 was budgeted in various funds controlled by SGA.

Student Connection allotted $34,000 to pay wages within the organization but a majority of its money is in the discretionary and co-sponsorship funds.

This year's budget mimics that of the previous administration, Cardinal Impact. Many of the allotments stayed the same despite the changing of slates.

"The budget is mostly the same. The only changes are with ads," Treasurer Ronnie Bell said.
The community fund and the publicity and activity fair fund used to be two different accounts that have been combined into one, Bell said.

Two major areas in which Student Connection will be directing money are its co-sponsorship and discretionary funds. Each of these were given $15,000.

The co-sponsorship funds are used to sponsor student clubs and organizations, along with any activities that they hold, President Matt Whitlock said.

"There are requirements: It has to be on campus, it has to be open to all students, you can't charge anything for the event," he said. "Instead of having to doll out money to every one of these specific organizations, they give SGA the money and senate controls where it goes."

Whitlock said the discretionary fund is controlled by Student Connection. It will be used to work on the slate's platform points, he said.

Student Connections already has given $1,000 from its discretionary fund to Dance Marathon, SGA's philanthropy.

SGA Budget

  • SGA wages- $34,000
  • Community/ Publicity fund- $15,750
  • Co-sponsorship fund- $15,000
  • Discretionary fund- $15,000
  • Senators fund- $3,000
  • Multicultural fund- $2,500
  • Postage/ reproduction- $41,500
  • Phone- $920
  • Recognition- $400
  • Total budget- $88,170
