Hamilton's family thankful to Ball State students

Cathy Hamilton said she was overwhelmed by the response from students in honor of her daughter, Abbi.

Hamilton said she was humbled by the cards, flowers and pictures she's received from Ball State University students.

"It was actually humbling and something we didn't expect," she said.

Hamilton sent a letter to the Daily News, thanking those who organized and attended the candlelight vigil as well as members of Alpha Phi sorority and the Communication Studies Department.

She said it was an unexpected accident and she knows it's best not to dwell on it.
"It was very tragic to my family, and we just want to move on," Hamilton said.

A candlelight vigil was held April 14, the same day as Abbi's funeral, and Hamilton said there was no way the family was able to make it.

"I haven't been able to face those pictures," she said in regard to photographs taken during the vigil.


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