Ball State student recognized for filing improvements

For most of his college career, senior Casey Rusk has worked as a student secretary. Now after three and half years he's getting some recognition.

Rusk was notified Monday that he had earned the Student Employee of the Year award, after being nominated by the Department of Family and Consumer Science.

"We nominated him because of his professionalism, work ethic and accuracy," Gretchen Bales, administrative coordinator for the department, said.

She said this is the first time since the award has been given that FACS has nominated a student, and she was proud he won.

"Since we don't do this with all of our students, I think he really was very deserving," she said.

Rusk has worked as a student secretary in the department since Spring Semester of his freshman year. He said at first he wasn't given a lot of responsibility, but as people in the office gained his trust, he was given more responsibilities.

"They really have been a family to me," he said. "I could always count on one of them to be there for me."

For example, when he was a freshman, Rusk was diagnosed with inflamed blood vessels in the brain. With family two and a half hours away, his coworkers were there to check up on him.

Rusk was notified Monday that he won the award, a certificate from the Midwest Association of Student Employment Administrators. He said it was a great feeling to know his hard work had been noticed.

"If I was told I had to do something in five minutes, I had to do it in a timely fashion and do it professionally."

A marketing student, Rusk said the Miller College of Business taught him a lot about professionalism.

He has a job lined up after graduation as the marketing director with a firm in Muncie.

While the people around the office were great friends, they were a little behind the times with technology, Rush said. Over the years he helped them out in two ways, by logging late assignments electronically instead of manually when they were turned in to the office, and by backing up data on the office assistant's computer.

What he'll miss most about the job, he said, is interaction with the people in the office.

"I greatly appreciate all their love and support," he said. "It helped shape me into a man and a professional."


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