Student Connection gets the job

Student senators appointed Student Connection as the 2010-2011 slate with a vote of 37-2 during Wednesday's Student Government Association meeting.

Despite the hype leading to election, Elections Board chairman Cory Schneider was happy with the way things turned out.

"We had an obligation to make sure that the students' voice was heard and we felt like this was the best way to do it," he said.

Student Connection was voted into office through secret ballot. The senate chose to suspend Robert's Rules of Order and the rising vote.

"If we would have had to go through the process again I would have," Whitney Hamblin, vice president-elect, said. "This has been something I have wanted to do since high school."

Now that election is over for the presidential slate, Student Connection will have one month to process its victory before inauguration.

"The next 20 or so days until inauguration is going to be like waiting for your birthday. I can't believe that it is finally here," Hamblin said.

During the coming months, Student Connection will assemble a cabinet, discuss key points and organize events on its platform that it wishes to push to the forefront.

"We want to work on a strategic plan so that we can put our platform on a schedule," Matt Whitlock, president-elect, said. "We also want to work on a slate contract. We want to have specific deliverables that we can give to the students this year."

Student Connection is looking at dates for a community night and talking with the Excellence in Leadership programs to see what they can do with them.

"We are really trying to fit in as much as we can here before we get out of school just realizing that we have the motivation now," Whitlock said.

Whitlock and Hamblin said that the major points on the Student Connection platform are realistic and reachable during its year in office.

"If we can't do it in a year's time then it wasn't going to be on our platform," Hamblin said.
Student Connection will take office March 24 during the official inauguration convention.


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