Miss Greek pageant surpasses old fundraising total

Sigma Nu fraternity raised $3,100 for Big Brothers Big Sisters at it's ninth annual Miss Greek Pageant, topping the previous record by $900.

Each of the 20 contestants were introduced during a creative costume event. Each of the contestants' designs reflected themselves, their sorority and the sorority's philanthropy.
Talents ranged from creating balloon animals to tap dancing, with the most common talent being singing.

Sophomore Breanna Ware said this was the most entertaining part of the show.

During the evening wear portion, the emcee announced the women's accomplishments.

The interview portion was the final component of the contest, and junior Lauren Noland said it was the most nerve-racking part of the pageant.

Some of the contestants stuttered and seemed to be caught off guard by the questions, but others answered more fluidly.

Sigma Nu member Austin Ellis said the year was a great turn out and everything went as planned.

During the coronation ceremony, Jordyn Stow of Delta Zeta was announced Miss Excellent, Elizabeth Bancroft of Kappa Delta was named Second Runner Up, Lori Nicols of Delta Zeta was named First Runner Up, and Courtney Zurich of Alpha Omicron Pi was named Miss Greek.

Miss Excellent- Jordyn Stow of Delta Zeta
Second Runner Up- Elizabeth Bancroft of Kappa Delta
First Runner Up- Lori Nichols of Delta Zeta
Miss Greek- Courtney Jurick of Alpha Omicron Pi

Miss Greek Pageant:
Amount raised- $3,100
Hosted by- Sigma Nu

Miss Greek's performance:
Who- Courtney Jurick
Creative costume- Panda bear, to represent her sorority's mascot
Talent- Singing
Evening Wear- Pink dress
Award- $500 scholarship and handcrafted necklace from Guist Jewelers


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