Students can tour Lucas Oil Stadium for career insight

The Ball State University Career Center is giving students the opportunity to tour Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indianapolis Marriott Hotel in downtown Indianapolis while shadowing for their career.

The tour is offered Jan. 20 for students majoring in sports administration, food and hospitality, business, communications, public relations, marketing and others.

The trip can be a way for students to make connections with leaders in their chosen field, announced the Career Center.

The trip will take place from 8 a.m. to about 6 p.m. Transportation and meals will be furnished by the Career Center, and the deadline to apply is Dec. 18.

For an application, refer to the Communication Center e-mail or the Career Center, located at Lucina Hall Rm. 220.

The trip is funded by a grant from the Discovery Group, an organization formed to demonstrate women's roles in philanthropy.


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