President Gora to strengthen Chinese-American dual degree program

President Jo Ann Gora will host meetings with other university professors next week to discuss strengthening a dual degree program for Chinese students.

This 1+2+1 program allows bilingual Chinese students to earn two bachelor degrees from universities in China and America. Students study in China the first year, in America the second and third, and in China again for their last year.

Meetings will take place Dec. 7, 8, and 9, and focus on strengthening relationships with Chinese universities.

Chinese Initiative Coordinator Po Hu announced 26 students have earned degrees from Ball State since the university joined the program in 2004, 51 students are currently studying at Ball State, and 87 students are taking part in the program either at Ball State or at a university in China.

The 1+2+1 Dual Degree Chinese Partnereship is coordinated by American Association of State Colleges and Universities and China Center for International Education Exchange.
Hu said Ball State is the second university to join other than George Mason University. Since 2004, Ball State has been ranked as one of the top rated universities in the program.

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