Student opinions to help reform city

The Student Government Association's Chief of Staff Jessica Oxley has been discussing the Muncie Action Plan with Connie Gregory, director of the city's Development Department.

Oxley said that the action plan is meant to let city officials hear the public's voice about issues the city faces. She also said that Ball State University and SGA want to get involved.

"The plan is supposed to be guidance for future projects in Muncie, and Ball State should be a part of that," said Oxley, a former editor-in-chief of the Ball State Daily News.

The plan would utilize the eyes and ears of Muncie residents and Ball State students to help prevent problems before they occur.

The plan will begin with five public input meetings in the first week of December, when residents will be able to voice their concerns with the city.

Oxley said part of this plan is meant to help figure out what issues the community cares about the most.

Also, senators Richard Rojers, Alyssa Marcheleta, Matt Whitlock and Daniel Willaert were appointed to the newly formed Rules and Constitution Committee. The committee will begin reviewing the bylaws and senate procedures and make the necessary changes to keep SGA focused and well-oiled.


Chair: Henry Mortensen
Student support for the Blue Loop is growing as more people join the Facebook group "Let's bring back the Blue Loop."

On campus
Chair: Kayla Pickersgill
A student task force is being considered to ease the responsibility of faculty who hand out smoking violations.

Chair: Joey Torres
The caucus is discussing the possibility of various international awareness functions with the Rinker Center for International Programs. Possible functions could include an international "film festival," arts and crafts night and a cooking workshop led by international organizations.

At large
Chair: Michelle Voss
• The caucus is working on getting new clocked installed around campus.
• The freshman safety survey has received a lot of input from students surveyed.

Academic Affairs
Chair: Brad Gottschlich
• The committee has asked about the university's book rental program and is working on getting it implemented on campus.

Cultural and Environmental Affairs
Chair: Ethan Fields
• 80 blue bags were passed out to off-campus housing on Sunday to promote environmental awareness and recycling.
• A campus clean-up is being discussed to help with the smoking areas.

Diversity and Multicultural Affairs
Chair: Edward Hornea
• The committee is trying to put together a survey to find out how common discrimination based on race, gender or sexual orientation is at Ball State. Hornea said he hopes to distribute 3,000 surveys to students.

Government Affairs and Student Awareness
Chair: Holly Gamroth
•The University Summit has been moved to Feb. 4.

Student safety
Chair: Michelle Voss
• The student safety survey has received positive feedback.

Student services
Chair: Kayla Pickersgill
• The "How to" online book is still on schedule to be completed and online by the beginning of next semester.


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