Parking Services, SGA work to lift visitor parking restrictions on Homecoming, Family weekends

Extended parking hours during Family and Homecoming weekends will live on because of the successful changes made this year, Gene Burton, director of Public Safety, said.

"We received no complaints," Burton said. "As far as we're concerned, things went very well."

Beth Cahill, Student Government Association president, agrees.

"This was part of our slate's platform," Cahill said. "I think everything went great."

Student Government Association worked with Burton and Nancy Wray, Parking Services office manager, to make it easier for visitors to park on campus those weekends.

"No effort had been made to do this before," Mandy Mills, SGA vice president, said. "Families come from far away, and more might want to come and participate if it was a little easier to park."

Parking restrictions were lifted at 3 p.m. on both Fridays in zoned parking areas. Restrictions were still enforced elsewhere, including handicapped spaces and parking meters. On most weekends, the zoned parking lots open at 5 p.m.

"We originally wanted them to be lifted at 12 [noon], but we compromised with 3 [p.m.]," Mills said. "Classes are still in session at noon. Three seemed to work the best for students and teachers."

Sophomore architecture major Rachel Shettle said she appreciated the change.

"It's hard to park on campus," she said. "With the influx of people those two weekends, it made life easier."

Telecommunications major John Cannon said he finds it frustrating how far many people have to walk from their cars on most days. He said he thinks this is a move in the right direction.

"People shouldn't have to walk a really long distance to get to campus to spend time with their families," Cannon said. "It's bad enough how far they have to walk anyway."

Mills said she is hopeful about future relations with Parking Services.

"Parking Services was very willing to work with us," Mills said. "They were very open to our ideas. Hopefully this will open a good relationship between SGA and Parking Services for years to come."


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