Monstrous spending in Muncie this Halloween

With the downturn in the economy last year, one would expect to find people spending less on Halloween, but this is simply not the case.

Students and Muncie residents are spending as much, if not more money, on Halloween celebrations.

Frankie Spain, manager of Halloween USA, said he has had no complaints about business this October.

"Our sales are better this year than last year and quite possibly ever," Spain said. "Like last year, the store is selling costumes to everyone – boys, girls, men, women and even dogs.No one is spending less at all."

Mike White, a Ball State student, bought a $50 jester costume from Halloween USA this year.

"Last year there was no costume, but I went to a Halloween party earlier last October. There were only a few costumes there," White said.

Freshman Roseanne Ruffing, member of the Student Council for Exceptional Children, said she spent money this Halloween on decorations.

"The organization is throwing a ‘Beyond I Can' party for children with special needs," she said. "I work on the decoration committee so I obviously am going to have to spend money now."

Not all students decided to spend money on a costume.

Teresa Elmore, a theater student, managed to save on her outfit this Halloween.

"Instead of buying a new costume at Halloween USA, I just bought one from the theatre department," she said. "They just needed to get rid of old costumes and so they had a huge sale."

Besides saving money, Elmore decided to buy her costume from the theater department because she didn't want to drive to a costume shop.

"Plus, buying costumes at the sale helped the Ball State Theatre Department as well," she said.

Another way students have saved is by recycling costumes.

"I spent $20 on a costume last year," Ball State student Amanda Hummel said. "Being in college, I just don't have enough money to go out and buy a new costume. This year, I'm trying to reuse my old one and borrow other things from friends."

Even with students saving by recycling and buying used, Spain said he predicts that Ball State students and Muncie residents spent more money for the Halloween holiday than they did last year.

"When the numbers come out this year, they will be even higher than last year's," he said.


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