SWIMMING AND DIVING: Lone Cardinal prepares for NCAA Zone Diving Championship

Lewellen Pool was fairly quiet this week except for the occasional splash from the diving well.

Lisa Maertin is the only member of the Ball State University swimming and diving team still competing after qualifying for the NCAA Zone Diving Championship. It is the second time the junior diver has qualified for the event.

To qualify for the zone championship, divers have to score either 255 points on the 1-meter or 270 points on the 3-meter board. Maertin met the mark three times this season.

"It's a tough score to get," coach Laura Seibold-Caudill said. "You will find some schools kind of cheat to get those scores, but you don't. She's earned it. It really is an honor to go to this meet."

Seibold-Caudill said zone "C," the zone Ball State is in, is the second hardest zone in the country after zone "B," which has all the schools in the Southeastern Conference.

All of the schools in the Big Ten and Mid-American Conference, excluding Penn State University and the University at Buffalo, fall in zone "C."

Seibold-Caudill said Olympians from the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and future Olympians will compete in zone "C."

This being understood, Seibold-Caudill said she and Maertin are going into the meet with realistic expectations.

"I'm looking forward to it," Seibold-Caudill said. "We just want to have fun and be happy with her performance. We have no expectations. We are just honored that we get to be there."


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