OUR VIEW: Remember

AT ISSUE: Anniversary of Sept. 11 terrorist attacks passed with little recognition at Ball State

There comes a point when every tragedy becomes a symbol, a historical event. Terrorists attacked the United States six short years ago, but the poignancy and heartbreak of the event already appears to be fading.

Why though? What happened to the memorials, marches and moments of silence shared across the country during the first five anniversaries of the tragedy? Hundreds of thousands gathered Tuesday to mourn the deaths and celebrate this country, but the memorials weren't the day's focus for many other people.

Some people are still trying to heal from the pain of their country being attacked or losing loved ones. Others have dealt with their emotions and thoughts and are able to remember without overwhelming sorrow. Still others have not dealt with the tragedy or even forgotten what happened and why it remains important.

Almost everyone has a story of where they were and what they were doing when the planes hit the Twin Towers or crashed into the ground. But details about the actual event are fuzzy for some people. One Ball State University student made a comment Tuesday about the "millions" who died in the attacks. The 9/11 attacks killed 2,973 people. Another student wondered why flags were at half mast. Please, if you don't remember the attacks clearly, reread news stories or watch newscasts from that day.

But perhaps the details aren't as important as what 9/11 means. It doesn't represent the event as much as it does the fact that the United States suffered the worst ever attack on our soil. The date doesn't mean Sept. 11, 2001. It means the war we are still fighting. The numbers don't mean the masses of people who died. They represent the way our country pulled together and is still recovering.

Many of you are college students. This was the defining moment of our generation so far. It evokes countless emotions and mental images. But without memorials and discussion, 9/11 will turn into a history textbook entry for younger generations.

This sixth anniversary passed without Ball State University or its students gathering en masse in honor of the date. Honor, remember, mourn the tragedy however you wish. Just do something. 9/11 must not fade so quickly into a symbolic textbook entry.


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