AT ISSUE: Realism, continuity among strong points of SGA slate

The Daily News editorial board endorses U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative in the Student Government Association executive slate election. Despite this conclusion, some board members wouldn't have endorsed either slate.

During their visits to the Daily News, both slates explained their platforms and answered questions from the editorial board.

From their presentations, it's obvious U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative is realistic, is aware of the importance of continuity and fully understands strong relationships are paramount.

Realism is about more than just being down to earth. U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative has realistic time frames for its goals. The slate is also aware some of initiatives might fail, and it admitted although some might not be completed, it will still work hard to accomplish all its goals.

Continuity means more than just carrying on the plans and goals of past slates - the slate also needs to remember it can't put any of its own initiatives on the back burner for the sake of continuity. U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative made the commitment to work to establish its goals, but remember the goals of Team Lisec's platform that aren't quite to fruition.

SGA is about relationships, regardless of whether they are with students, Student Senate or within the slate itself. U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative voiced its concern with current relationships in SGA, and committed to reestablishing and rebuilding the relationships they see as lacking.

U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative is not without its shortcomings, though. All members of the slate are heavily involved in other extracurricular activities outside of SGA. Although being involved is an integral part of SGA, being too involved in too many ventures outside SGA could cause issues with a full-time commitment to the students and SGA.

Spring Homecoming is an undertaking that could tie up a lot of resources. Finding another way to get students and alumni involved in the Spring that won't be such a monumental change might be a better idea.

To be successful, the slate must continue to reach out to get the opinion of the entire student body. The slate already speaks of plans to continue using outgoing slate Team Lisec's "People's Platform" to get student opinion, but if this becomes an inadequate way of getting opinion, a major overhaul might be needed before taking this route.

This endorsement is in not the final vote on who will be in office. Regardless of who wins, they needs to work closely with the losing slate to ensure its worthy ideas aren't discarded. Some of the best lessons could come from the mouths of those currently in office.

Students have until 6:45 p.m. Tuesday to vote for the slate of their choice visit bsu.edu/votebsu to cast your ballot.

Now is the time to make your decision.


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