Many of you may have read, or heard, rumors that U.N.I.T.E.D Initiative has great new ideas on its platform. I would like to show you some of U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative's platform issues which are already being worked on, or are already implemented at Ball State University.
First, "The U" says it want to get a night class parking permit for students and faculty. The parking services Web site clearly states that for $37.50 per semester, students and staff can receive a parking pass which lets them park in restricted lots starting at 4:45 p.m.
Second, "The U" spoke to an organization I was at, and said it would work with Dining to get block meal plans for off-campus students. If you look back in the SGA Minutes, you will see that I personally have been working with Dining to do this exact thing all semester, and it is only awaiting approval now from the administrators at Ball State.
Third, "The U" wants to get bigger inboxes for the e-mail accounts. Students can already do this by e-mailing Since I have done this, my inbox has never filled up.
Last, "The U" would like to have better lighting on the Cow Path. In the SGA meeting, which "The U" spoke at, a senator asked Presidential candidate Betsy Mills why this was on the platform. The reason being, Mills was in the meeting with administrators with this issue was brought up, and the plan to fix this issue has already been initiated. There was no real answer, as Mills danced around the question.
Check for yourself on some of these platform issues. I think you'll see that SGA has been working on them long before U.N.I.T.E.D. Initiative ever announced running for SGA Executives.