YOUR TURN: Student support needed for new Student Center

In response to the editorial on October 30, I am a senator inSGA, and I totally agree (as I suspect that most of the othersenators do) that what SGA needs to do in order to push along thenew Student Center idea is to get student support for the project.18,000 students will have a large voice (much larger than justSGA). In the senate meeting this past Wednesday, each Caucus andCommittee talked about different ways that we could get studentsinvolved, such as sending letters to administration, a petition, anopen forum or holding an event in the parking lot that will becomethe new student center. When Dr. Bales was asked what SGA should doto further this idea, she said that we should get students to knowabout it. I think that the major goal of SGA is to get studentsupport for the new student center.

The editorial claimed the SGA has not passed any legislationyet; this is not, in my opinion, a bad thing. All of the Senatorswho are working on legislation are making sure that the research isbeing done thoroughly. Right now, each committee has many ideasthey are researching and deciding if legislation should be written.Many pieces of legislation are not quite ready to be sent to thesenate floor. The ideas that are being researched and thelegislation that is in the process of being written are allreported on each week in the committee reports portion of thesenate meetings.

Regarding the paragraph about the library-fine-notificationlegislation, as the author of this piece of legislation, I canspeak on its behalf. The same question was brought up on the senatefloor. My answer to it is that it does not shed studentresponsibility. The students are still responsible for gettingtheir reserve materials back on time. This legislation does notcancel the fines when the e-mail goes out. All it does is provide aservice so that students know they are being charged $.25 per hourfor these items and so that the library can get their items backquicker (which, by the way, is the rationale behind the high finepolicy).

And in terms of the senator being "afraid" of an editorialsmack-down, I don't know I can blame her. This is only my opinion,but it seems that the person or people writing these editorials(10/30/03, 10/02/03) are writing good pieces of journalism based onvery little information. If the author were to attend senatemeetings, I feel that he would be much more informed and couldwrite based solely on facts, not assumptions.

I love the fact that you gave us some suggestions about what wecould be working on. This is the way SGA can know what the studentswant us to do. I feel that the Daily News is the voice ofthe students. I think there is some question, however, about theinformation that the editorial authors are using to write theirarticles.

Andrew Greider

Chairman, Student Services Committee


Write to Andrew at

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