THE TEMPORAL FRONT: Liberal pessimism directed toward President Bush

It must be very difficult to live life as Michael Moore.

I say this not because of his ill-gotten Oscar for "Bowling forColumbine," or his perpetual bashing of everything American, butsimply because of his outlook on life.

I admit, begrudgingly, that I read Michael's "Must Read" sectionof his website every day. Every time I do, I feel worse about mylife in general, so I can only imagine how it must feel for poorMichael.

Every day, he must spend hours pouring over the Internet,magazines, and newspapers looking for the worst news possible. Goodnews is never worth posting for Moore; it might give the impressionthat the world will not end under the leadership of PresidentBush.

Unfortunately, it doesn't begin or end with Michael Moore. Whilehis brand of Bush-hating and Halliburton-obsessing is particularlymalignant, it seems to be a problem nationwide, liberals everywhereseem focused on the negative in life.

I guess that makes sense these days. Anything good that happensanywhere could be construed as a victory for Bush and republicanseverywhere. Even last weeks news that the GDP had grown the fastestsince 1984 was responded to with anti-Bush rhetoric and jeers.

I guess that is where Democrats have parked themselves; theyhave planted their flag in the camp that says, "What is good forAmerica, America's workers or America's military is bad forus."

If the United States in the next twelve months has unprecedentedeconomic growth, job recovery (or growth), lower unemployment orgreater returns on current tax rates, the democrats are sunk. Thosethings can and will cripple an opposing presidential campaign.Democrats are left in the position of publicly ripping Bush fortrying to repair the Clinton recession, while hoping for theabsolute worst things to happen to this country and thispresident.

If the United States, in the next twelve months, were tosuccessfully capture Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein (or both), theDemocrats are

sunk.�If this president can fulfill his promise tocapture these terrorist leaders, then Democrats have lost a keycampaign issue. For the sake of their campaigns, they publiclychastise Bush for his inability to locate and capture these "needlein a haystack" individuals, while privately hoping that they remainfree until at least next November.

If these United States in the next twelve months squelch theterrorist activities in Iraq, negotiate peace in the Middle East orcontinue to protect the homeland from attack, then it will be amajor blow for Democrats.�When things are rosy for America(and thus the administration), they are dark and gloomy fordemocrats.

It must be hard to be Michael Moore, or any liberal like him. Tosee the negative and darkness in every situation is nothing shortof straight, unadulterated pessimism. Despite Sept. 11, he believesterrorism is a manufactured threat, created by Bush and hisassociates.

I wonder why Moore can't take the time to spend some time amongthose who have hope or be a little more optimistic?

He's too busy making the hatchet job of a "documentary" called"Fahrenheit 911," which will tell us all how Bush and bin Laden arejust

exactly alike.

Moore is pessimistic, ignorant and hateful; what a perfectliberal combination.

Write to Russell at




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