Student Government Association senators passed legislationWednesday suggesting the definition of student-made paths. The votecame after an extended discussion.
The bill refers to paths across grass areas that students havetread. One example is the path across the University Green in frontof the Whitinger Business Building.
Discussion of the bill centered on what the bill was asking fromthe university.
"The legislation in its wording does not state that clearly,"Sen. Andrew Greider, one of the bill's opponents, said. "It isconfusing on the actual point."
Sen. Amanda Clewis, the legislation's author, said thelegislation was written to suggest that the university define dirtpaths so they are more open to students and to mulch paths theuniversity recognizes more often.
Clewis also suggested removing one of the chains around thegreen to make the student-made path more accessible.
Tom Smith, director of facilities management said the chains arein place to discourage students from cutting across the grassareas.
Smith said sidewalk and pathway placement is designed byprofessionals.
"We go to a lot of trouble to make landscape appealing andattractive for future students," Smith said.
Ben Tietz, president pro tempore said the paths that theuniversity mulches should receive better upkeep.
Sen. Kenny Berg said he used the path across the UniversityGreen to get to the Robert Bell Building and the Atrium.
Senators discussed another piece of legislation Wednesdaysuggesting the addition of more outdoor basketball courts oncampus.
The only outdoor basketball court on campus is near the IndianaAcademy and Elliot Hall, Smith said.
There are several locations where the addition of basketballcourts is feasible, according to the legislation. The bill listslocations near residence halls Studebaker East and StudebakerWest.
A court was removed from a location near the Studebakercomplexes a few years ago, Troy Vaughn, associate director ofsports facilities and recreation services, said.
Smith said two courts were removed from a site near CarmichaelHall because of complaints. He said bouncing basketballs creatednoise.
"We've had some bad experiences with outdoor basketball courtsin the past," Smith said. "It's hard to pick a site that doesn'tcreate a disturbance for neighbors and students."
Sen. Megan Newlund, the legislation's author, said the bill waswritten in response to a lack of basketball courts on campus.
Vaughn said there have been inquiries to adding more courts inthe past. The most recent instance Vaughn said he could rememberwas a 1996 effort by SGA and another group of students who madeinquiries about adding more outdoor basketball courts to campus. Hesaid the department is open to suggestions from students.
"We would love the opportunity to use outdoor courts fortournaments," Vaughn said.
Vaughn said people in charge of the university grounds andbusiness affairs control decisions dealing with changing thecampus.