LETTER: Attack on Michael Moore unwarranted

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to Russell Greim's column in Monday'spaper.

I'd like to ask if Greim has ever met or conversed with MichaelMoore. If he hasn't, I find it rash to assume that Moore's outlookon life is having any negative effect on his emotional state.

I personally see a lot of bad things happening in the worldtoday, but somehow, with a little help from my friends, I am ableto laugh frequently throughout the day. Judging from the photographprovided with Greim's column, he should try a smile on now andthen.

See how tasteful that remark was when I personally don't knowRussell?

I am aware that Michael Moore is working on another film thatwill show the connections between the Bush family and the bin Ladenfamily. I didn't catch anything about the film showing that GeorgeW. Bush and Osama bin Laden are exactly alike during Moore's recentappearance on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien."

Regardless, I am very disappointed to see that Greim's columnechoes a more-than-common recurring theme in today's media. Much ofwhat you see on cable news stations and other outlets is somethingalong the lines of, "Man, those conservatives suck!" or "I hateliberals!"

It seems that all these people have to say is that they don'tlike others with a different view and they don't like what thosepeople are doing. That's their contribution to humanity.

I also haven't found a presidential candidate for 2004 who isnot running on a platform of "Bush is doing a horrible job." I'dlike to see someone not run against the president but for thepresidency.

Are we that pitted against each other? Hello! We're trying tobuild paradise here. Those people you disagree with are not goinganywhere. Yeah, they're in this with you. That's right -- together.Let's get on with evolution. Do something productive and stoparguing about conservative and liberal.

Andy Bond




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