Feathers will fly during the university's 77th annual Homecomingcelebration.
"Wild with Pride" is the theme for this year's Homecoming, whichbegins with a pep rally at 7 p.m. today in Irving Gym. The weekwill conclude with a football matchup between Ball State'sCardinals and their MAC rivals, the Miami RedHawks.
"Homecoming gives alumni the chance to come back to celebratethe good times that they had and the experiences they created whileat Ball State," assistant director of special events Beth Olingersaid.
Tonight's pep rally will kick off the week's activities with thecoronation of the 2003 Faculty/Staff Homecoming Royalty.Appearances will be made by Charlie Cardinal, the Ball Statecheerleaders, the Code Red dancers, and athletic director BubbaCunningham.
Ball State faculty and staff will also attempt to guess whichpre-taped Ball State students know the most about their campus attonight's rally in a rendition of the "Street Smarts" game show,titled "You Think You Know Ball State? You Have No Idea!"
Christina Perez, executive assistant of the Homecoming SteeringCommittee, said Homecoming is a great time to get the students andfaculty of Ball State together at different events throughout theweek to show school spirit.
"It is the perfect time for alumni to return to campus for aweekend of reminiscing and fun with old friends," Perez said.
Olinger said tradition is what makes Homecoming special at BallState, and many of the traditional Homecoming activities will bereturning this year. Air Jam, for instance, will be held Tuesday at9 p.m. in Emens Auditorium, the Student Scholarship Talent Searchwill be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Emens and the Bed Race willbe held Friday at 2 p.m. on Riverside Avenue.
The Spirit Fest Block Party is a new addition to the Homecomingfestivities this year. Beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday in theUniversity Square parking lot, the block party will feature variouscontests as well as food and drinks from the Village vendors.
Much of Homecoming week's success can be attributed to theHomecoming Steering Committee. Organized in 1963, the Committee iscomprised of students, faculty and alumni who plan and coordinateall the Homecoming activities.
Stephanie Wells, publicity chairman of the Homecoming SteeringCommittee, said that she doesn't think people are aware of how muchtime is put into planning the week's events.
"The committee started planning Homecoming in March," Wellssaid, "A lot of time was spent thinking, planning, and organizingto make sure the event is a success."
The Steering Committee has held weekly meetings during theschool year and even met once in the middle of the summer to makesure everyone was on the same page.
"There is so much to keep track of," Perez said. "I know I neverthought there would be so much detail work for many of theevents."
The tradition of crowning Homecoming royalty will continue forthe 65th consecutive year. King and queen coronation will takeplace on Thursday evening following the Student Scholarship TalentSearch.
Olinger said that Ball State's Homecoming week has attractedsome famous names in the past.
"Red Skelton came and rode in the parade and was theentertainment for Saturday night," Olinger said, "Biff (Henderson,stage manager for "Late Night with David Letterman") was here forHomecoming a few years ago as well."
Courtney Lyman, royalty chairman of the Homecoming SteeringCommittee, takes great pride in helping to coordinate the week'sactivities.
"After the parade and the game, I can look back at the wholeweek and actually have the time to realize what a huge dealHomecoming was," she said. "Knowing that I was part of the reasonthat happened is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment."