SGA tackles library fines, new student center plans

Recommendation for new outdoor basketball courts also in works

Senators are moving legislation through Student GovernmentAssociation that will help students avoid large fines at thelibrary.

The bill, authored by Sen. Andrew Greider, proposes that theUniversity Libraries expand its use of electronic due notices toinclude overdue notices. Senators in the Student Services committeediscussed the legislation at Wednesday's meeting and gave it a"do-pass" recommendation. The issues will be read to the entiresenate at next week's meeting and will be voted on in twoweeks.

The senate plans to suggest e-mailing a notification to patronswith overdue reserve materials. The current policy for notificationof overdue reserve items calls for a letter to be sent throughcampus mail or the U.S. Postal Service, according to thelegislation.

Greider said the purpose of the library's fine policy is to getmaterials returned faster.

"If people are sent an e-mail, [the library] will get the itemback quicker," Greider said.

Ben Tietz, president pro tempore, said the legislation waswritten based on student concerns. Tietz said students complainedthat they received bills in the mail about overdue reservematerials they forgot that they had checked out.

"It would make more sense if the library sent e-mailnotification," Tietz said. "Materials get back more quickly andstudents don't have to pay as much money."

The University Libraries Web site states that notification willbe sent five days before library materials are due. Thenotification service is by request of the patron and only availableon materials borrowed for two weeks or more, the library Web sitestates. Patrons can gain access to the service through theUniversity Libraries Web site.

The Student Services committee is also developing legislationsuggesting the addition of outdoor basketball courts on campus.

Senator Meghan Newlund said an SGA survey of 150 Ball Statestudents showed that a majority of those surveyed would use outdoorbasketball courts.

Newlund said she knew of students who travel to SterlingUniversity Estates apartment complex to play basketball becauseoutdoor courts are not available on campus.

Senators are also researching the development of a new studentcenter.

Greider said SGA is planning to hold activities in the parkinglot between the Art and Journalism Building and the TeachersCollege, the possible site of a new student center. Greider saidthe purpose is to show students where the new building would be andget them accustomed to the prospect of having a student building inthe center of campus.

Greider said eight years could pass before a new student centeris finished. Greider said SGA's current efforts were for futurestudents.
