Politician pledges job creation

Candidate says he'll eliminate some regulations

INDIANAPOLIS — Republican gubernatorial candidate MitchDaniels said Monday that Indiana must take a fresh approach torebuilding its economy.

While providing few specifics, Daniels pledged to make jobcreation his top priority. He also said he would try to eliminatewhat he called burdensome business regulations, and provide betterworker training opportunities.

He offered reporters a generalized "framework" of steps stategovernment could take to improve its business climate. He said hehoped his proposal would open a serious dialogue on the issue andentice others to submit suggestions to his campaign.

"We are not a job-friendly environment in this state," hesaid.

The key to changing that, Daniels said, is bringing in newpeople to state government who understand how businesses operateand how investment decisions are made. Democrats have controlledthe governor's office for 15 years.

"The single most important thing we can do is repopulate stategovernment," he said.

Daniels, a former Bush administration budget director, discussedhis ideas outside the recreational vehicle he has been travelingthe state in over the past few months. He has visited all 92counties and plans to stay on the road through much of the campaignleading up to next year's election.

Daniels said the state has made some improvements, including thetax-restructuring package enacted by the General Assembly last yearand other recent economic development initiatives. But he said moremust be done to spur business investment in Indiana.

He said the state's colleges and universities could play a keyrole, and the next governor should insist they develop plans aimedat spinning off more commercial activities and helping startupventures.

He also said every state agency must identify ways to encouragejob growth or stop obstructing it.

The campaign of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Andrewsaid Daniels had only given "some generalized thoughts" on economicdevelopment.

"While Daniels may have pointed out the obvious economicdevelopment issues facing Hoosiers, he offers nothing on how toaddress those issues," Andrew campaign manager Joe Champion said ina news release.

Last month, Andrew touted a proposal that, among other things,would provide grants to small businesses and expand tax credits inhopes of creating jobs. It also lacked many details, however,including its state costs.

State Sen. Vi Simpson of Ellettsville also is seeking theDemocratic nomination for governor, as is Bloomington attorney RoyGraham. Gov. Joe Kernan has indicated a willingness to reconsiderhis December announcement that he would not run for governor.

Conservative activist Eric Miller is seeking the GOP nomination,as is Petersburg Mayor Randy Harris and Indianapolis businessmanBob Parker.
