Monday, when the opening events of Homecoming Week occur, marksthe beginning of a week's worth of festivities meant to ignite ourspirit and boost our morale.
Whether you plan to attend campus-favorite activities like AirJam or the Talent Search, race a bed down Riverside Avenue ordecorate a float for Saturday's Homecoming Parade, now is the timeto discard your apathy and exhibit some excitement and "Cardinalpride."
Homecoming Week's festivities lead to Saturday's football game.Ball State is 3-3, but is undefeated in the Mid-AmericanConference. The Cards play Miami of Ohio (5-1, 2-0) on Saturday, ina game that will prove the extent of our team's mettle.
The game can also prove the extent of the student population'smettle.
We should shake off the drudgery of our repetitive classschedules and our harrying assignments and exams. We should forgetthe derogatory jokes and negative comments commonly directed towardour football team and fill the seats of Ball State Stadium onSaturday. Let's show we care. Would you rather play in front of24,000 screaming fanatics or 7,000 apathetic attendees?
The players, managers, trainers and coaching staff deserve oursupport, especially during this Homecoming Week.
Though the team has struggled in recent years, it has theopportunity to continue an undefeated conference record. It hasseen success already this season; under Coach Brady Hoke, the teamhas the potential to eventually contend for MAC championships. Anew era can begin for Ball State football. We fans should be tiredof being mediocre.
Let's invest some passion and support our athletics teams. Let'screate some enviable spirit. Let's show the administration theydon't need to spend $300,000 on permanent lights to attract us tothe games.
It can all start this week.