OUR VIEW: Students denied Right-To-Know

AT ISSUE: Recent crime-statistics report does not include entire Ball State area

The Clery Report, Ball State University's recently releasedcrime-statistics document, shows the university's willingness tocomply with the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act of1990.

But it doesn't show all the crime that occurs where studentsgo.

The report documentation covers on-campus buildings and areas,non-campus buildings and public property from White River Boulevardto McKinley Avenue and Wheeling Avenue to Tillotson Avenue.

But Gene Burton, director of public safety, said privateresidences can't be included in the report, so the statisticsexclude the fraternity houses on Riverside Avenue and thestudent-occupied houses and apartment complexes beyond New YorkAvenue.

Because these heavily populated areas are not included, theClery Report does not accurately reflect the crime that happens toBall State students.

The numbers might give students a false sense of security orlead them to ignore the importance of their security.

Randy Hyman, dean of students, said Ball State's campusboundaries are not "clear cut." This, he admitted, is a variablethat skews the statistics.

Though the report proves Ball State's administration is willingto be forthcoming, Hyman and Burton need to work with the MunciePolice Department to define the boundaries so they reflect whereall students live and where they might go. Future editions of thereport need to include the crime statistics from the privateresidences surrounding the immediate campus area. Too many studentslive, work and party there to ignore it.
