Every year since the death of Melissa Steckler on July 31, 2001,her sorority has held a fundraiser for the Riley Children'sHopsital burn unit where she died.
Delta Zeta members have raised tens of thousands of dollars inhonor of their sister, who died after suffering extensive burnsfrom a grilling accident after finishing her freshman year.
It costs $5 to participate in the three-mile walk around campus,and optional T-shirts can be purchased for $10. Additionaldonations are welcomed.
This event is an excellent example of the good that greekorganizations can do on campus. Steckler's death was a horribleaccident, but as the members of Delta Zeta recovered from theirsorrow, they created an event that memorializes their friend andraises money for a worthy cause.
We applaud Delta Zeta for its efforts, and we urge the membersto continue holding Melissa's Walk in coming years. It may bedifficult to maintain interest as the last sisters who knewSteckler graduate, but the event is important enough that it shouldovercome that challenge.
Good luck with this year's walk, and best wishes for itscontinuing success.