LETTER: Admitting murderer insult to victims

Dear Editor,

This is in response to the controversy concerning RichardDobeski's possible enrollment at Ball State, which has led manypeople to feel uneasy. Of all the articles I've read, and of allthe people I've heard discussing this matter all seem to voice oneconcern: that he might react violently while on campus. This fearis completely irrational. Not only have the psychiatrists declaredhim cured, but murderers have the lowest recidivism rate of alloffenders.

You should redirect your fear into disgust. You should feeldisgusted that a murderer will be able to continue on withreceiving post-incarceration education, increasing his chances ofgetting a decent job, while his two victims will never be able tolive their lives.

While Mr. Dobeski will have the opportunity to receive a collegedegree, his young victims will never have the opportunity to finishschool. Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of these victims.Would you, as a parent, feel good about the man who killed yourchildren being able to further his life, while your family willforever suffer because of his despicable acts?

Far too often the victims of crimes are forgotten. All thecompassion the victim deserves is given to the offender. Ball StateAdmissions has the opportunity to show they are on the victim'sside of this tragic case. I urge the Admissions office to showeveryone they have empathy for this family. When the time comes, Ihope you let Mr. Dobeski know he is denied admission to Ball StateUniversity.

Nadia Chivers





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