JAY 101: Best Halloween-costume ideas fround in headlines

As you read this, you are probably in one of two groups ofpeople.

Either you can't wait to show off your Halloween costumetonight, or you are dreading the evening because you haven'tthought of a creative costume idea yet.

If you belong to the latter, read on for some ideas rippedstraight from the headlines. If you have a costume, continuereading anyway. Maybe you'll find a get-up better than the mulletwig and Blue Blockers you were planning to wear.

Try going as Steven Bartman, the ill-fated Cubs fan whom manyNorthsiders blame for the Cubs' playoff loss. Bartman wore a Cubshat, headphones, a blue sweatshirt over a green turtleneck andglasses. Bring a baseball for effect.

Tell everyone you are going to dress up as a weapon of massdestruction. Then show up at the party in your normal clothes. Whenpeople ask why you aren't in costume, tell them you couldn't findit, but you know that it's somewhere.

If the party offers prizes for the best costume, go as ArnoldSchwarzenegger. Chances are you will win in a landslide, even ifyour costume isn't that good.

Go as the McKinley Project, but don't finish your costume foranother four years.

Go as President Blaine Brownell. Leave before the party isover.

Dress like Bubba Cunningham. Kick all the runners out before theparty is over.

Dress like the University Senate. Don't do anything allnight.

Disguise yourself as the Recording Industry Association ofAmerica. Issue a subpoena every time you see people sharing theircandies.

If you are a guy, grab a buddy and dress up like Kobe Bryant andShaquille O'Neal. Spend the whole evening arguing with each other.After a while, people just won't care anymore.

If you are a girl, grab a buddy and dress up like Britney Spearsand Madonna. I have no idea what is going on there, but I would beremiss if I didn't mention it.

Shave your head and say your Brookelyn Walters, the despicablewoman who pretended to have cancer. Go to a party at Delta Chi(which helped raised between $1,000 and $1,500 for her benefit) andsee how long you last before someone beats the tar out of you.

Sneak a box cutter, matches, phony explosives and some bleachinto a party a la Nathaniel Heatwole. Then watch from your jailcell as nothing is done to change the security system at theparties.

If all else fails in your crusade to bring creativity to blandHalloween costumes, throw on some sweatpants, grab some ice creamand watch movies all night.

Nothing could be scarier than that.

Write to Jay at jdkenworthy@bsu.edu



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