Test results on Thursday showed that chemicals in the Duck Pondmight be the cause of an estimated 1,000 dead fish foundMonday.
"We are still trying to find out if (the chemicals) could betoxic to the fish," Rich Huyck, director of the Muncie Bureau ofWater Quality, said.
Information on the cause of the chemicals will not be releaseduntil further test are done.
Huyck said oxygen levels continue to stay low in the water, andfish are still dying.
"The Indiana Department of Environmental Management iscontacting Ball State to have an aeration device placed in the pondto bring up oxygen levels," Huyck said.
Officials were notified of a large amount of dead fish in thepond on Monday. Possible pumping into a nearby sewer by a companyfrom Indianapolis might have been the cause. The sewer drains intothe pond, Huyck said.
The company was unaware that the sewer led to the pond.
The name of the company and what they were pumping has not yetbeen released.