Irving Gym was filled with a sea of red, white and screamingstudents Monday night.
Students geared up for Homecoming 2003 by testing their BallState knowledge and showing off their "wild" pride at theHomecoming Pep Rally.
Ben Tietz, organizer of the pep rally and the HomecomingSteering Committee, said he wanted to get students involved.
"My idea was... to make it different and more interactive withstudents," Tietz said.
Tietz got students involved with a mock game show based offComedy Central's "Street Smarts."
Contestants on "You Think You Know Ball State; You Have NoIdea!" were asked to answer questions concerning the history of theuniversity and random facts about the campus.
Questions ranged from what building was named for the sister ofthe Ball brothers (Lucina Hall) to who coached the basketball teamto the NCAA Sweet 16 in 1990 (Dick Hunsaker).
Another event of the night was stepping, a rhythmic stompingaccompanied by a chant. Members of Alpha Kappa Alpha and DeltaSigma Theta provided the entertainment at the end of the night.
Sophomore Aueyia Dixon, a first year Delta, was "so excited" tobe performing, she said.
Other dancers also enjoyed showing the audience stepping.
"We have fun," stepper Aleta Mclaurin of Alpha Kappa Alpha said.We are glad we're able to participate in this event."
Tietz said he was happy with students' performances.
"It is amazing ... it is so awesome that they come out here anddo that," Tietz said. "I was impressed. You wish you could do that,but then you realize that it's a rare talent."
Students also participated in a relay race and tug of war.
Derick Virgil, director of the Multicultural Center, and PeggyByers, assistant professor of communication studies, were crownedFaculty and Staff King and Queen.
The packed bleachers of Irving Gym roared approval over thenight's festivities.
Bubba Cunningham, director of athletics, said he was pleasedwith the night's attendance and encouraged students to come to thegame.
Charlie Cardinal, however, simply gave two thumbs up.