The Ball State women's volleyball team's season has been a storyof hills and valleys. They dropped three matches in California andone to Ohio State. Then the Cardinals won the New HampshireTournament, only to go 0-3 at the Pittsburgh Invitational thefollowing weekend. Tuesday night, Ball State's car moved up a hillwith a 3-1 win against IUPUI.
Following a disappointing weekend, head coach Randy Litchfieldsaid he was pleased overall with the way his team performed.
"We ranged from really ugly at times to really excellent attimes," Litchfield said. "We never really played bad for a verylong period of time at all. I was really happy with our playtonight."
Litchfield said the Cardinals displayed an energy against theJaguars that they lacked at times throughout the season.
"I thought opening weekend we played with a lot of intensity,and at New Hampshire we had a lot," he said. "Then we took 10 daysoff and left our passion back in Muncie. Tonight we found itagain."
Litchfield credits the team's defense in the middle at the netfor the new wind beneath the Cardinals' wings.
"With blocking like we had tonight, energy is easy to come by,"he said. "It is such a critical skill that I really believe that(it's that important)."
The star of the night for Ball State was sophomore middleattacker Melissa Oliver, who totaled seven blocks despite nursing asore shoulder.
"Melissa Oliver both with offense and blocking was real big forus," Litchfield said. "She just had big stop after big stop."
Also coming up big for the Cards defensively against IUPUI weresophomore middle attacker Kristin Westhof and junior setter StacieBaldwin with five and four blocks respectively.
Leading the Ball State offense was sophomore outside attackerSarah Obras, who tallied 26 kills with a .380 hittingpercentage.
Ball State now has nine days before its next match. Litchfieldsaid he is looking forward to what will be the first opportunitythe team has had this season to spend an extended period of time inthe gym.
"We're going to bear down with our training again," he said."We're trying to send a message that we need to be morecompetition-ready. If the team can respond like they did tonightafter only two days, I can't wait to see what we will be like afterseven practices. As a coach, I'm very optimistic."