Ball State's WIPB television station is hosting a fall dancefeaturing the music of Zanna-Doo! and Souled Out Saturday.
The concert will be at the Horizon Convention Center. Doors openat 7 p.m.
Souled Out, an up-and-coming local dance and party band, willperform at 7:30 p.m.. Zanna-Doo!, from Indianapolis, will take thestage at 9 p.m.
Zanna-Doo! is led by Zanna (formerly of The Alligator Brothers).They perform upbeat music from the '70s, '80s and '90s, and theyalso perform hits of today.
Tickets are $30 each, and tables with 10 or more people are$300. All proceeds benefit WIPB. Tickets are available at IndianaTrust & Investment Management Company on W. Adams Street. Youcan charge by phone at (888) 339-0222.
The event will feature a cash bar, hors d'oeuvres, a martini barand a silent auction for the guests' enjoyment.