Tom Green postpones trip to Muncie

The Tom Green Show's appearance in Muncie has been postponedbecause of the flu, contracted by Tom Green himself.

Tom Green and his crew will visit Muncie later on this weekthough a date has not yet been confirmed.

"The show's producer assured me 100 percent that they are comingto Muncie but they don't want to give me an exact date in casesomething else happens," Joe Whetsel said.

Whetsel is a Ball State alumnus who, along with Andy Bell, JasonHarris and senior telecommunications major David Plough, won acontest called "Why Should Tom and Glenn Come to Our Town."

Whetsel said the show is expected to come toward the middle ofthe week.

"When the executive producer told me we had won he informed methat Tom had been feeling sick," Whetsel said. "I didn't think itwould affect his visit."

Whetsel said that while Mayor Dan Canan assured him that theparade is definitely still on, he is not sure about the P.O.D.(Pissed Off Dwarf) wrestling at Dill Street Bar and Grill.

"I am disappointed with the delay but the good news is that wehave more time to put things together," Whetsel said. "We just hopethat everybody can be understanding and isn't too mad at us."


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