I drive a Pontiac. I have for several years. I choose Americancars.
When I have major trouble with my Pontiac, I choose to take itto a Pontiac dealership. It just makes sense to take an expensivepiece of equipment to the shop that has the best knowledge of howto fix it.
If I chose to take my car into a Ford dealership if mytransmission goes out, it's pretty likely they won't do the work,or won't do as good of a job as the Pontiac dealership would have.It doesn't make sense to me to take that kind of risk.
But that is exactly what liberal pundits and those sufferingfrom general political ignorance would have done in Iraq.
In 2001, a subsidiary of Halliburton was awarded (in acompetitive bid) the U.S. Army Logistics Civil Augmentation Program(LOGCAP) contract. The LOGCAP is basically an insurance plan thatallows the Army Corp of Engineers to call on Halliburton at anytime to deploy within 72 hours to deal with emergency issues.
Last fall, with the possibility of war in Iraq looming on thehorizon, the government assigned Halliburton (under the LOGCAPcontract) to perform a thorough analysis of the possible damagethat could be done as a result of Saddam sabotaging his ownequipment. The report was conducted and filed.
Halliburton not only has the knowledge, but they have theexperience. The same subsidiary who was awarded the LOGCAP contractis the same firm that put out over 350 oil fires in Kuwait.
This is where the car analogy comes to play: Imagine Halliburtonas the Pontiac dealership, and their now completed strategic studyof the possible damage and the methods to combat such damage as theknowledge they need to fix my transmission.
So now you've got a firm with the knowledge, the experience, andthe contract to be deployed immediately to deal with dangerousemergencies
But Democrats want the contract to be open for anyone to bid on,even if they aren't the best equipped, the most knowledgeable, orhave an existing contract.
They would have me take my Pontiac down the street to the Forddealership and then blame me if the work wasn't done properly.
Let's face it; the Bush administration couldn't get praise fromDemocrats if they saved the entire planet. No matter what George W.Bush does, they will attack him somehow.
If the Bush administration had awarded the contract to AcmeConstruction because they were the low bidder, then there would beother issues the democrats would be "concerned" about.
Perhaps if Saddam had destroyed the oil wells, it would havetaken weeks for Acme to come up to speed on what should be done,and what the best way to put out an oil fire is.
So while millions of barrels of oil burned, the liberals wouldscream and shout how Bush had failed to anticipate the fires, andhow shoddily the job had been done. Environmentalists would havecited the continuing environmental damage (of course not assigningblame to Saddam for setting the fires.)
Liberals love to see connections where there are none. But whenconnections really exist to their detriment, it is all a "vastright-wing conspiracy."
A conspiracy indeed, but it isn't on the right.