Students need proof to unlock doors

Locksmiths require vehicle registrations, utility bills

Students can be denied help from a locksmith because they can'tprove they own their homes or cars.

Frank Kitchen of 1ST Choice Locksmith in Frankton, Ind., saidmany students who get locked out have trouble showing proof ofownership because they drive cars registered under their parents orthey rent their homes.

When locksmiths are called to help, they must first verifyownership of the vehicle or proof of residency, Kitchen said.Because many students' identification display their permanentaddresses, it can be hard to prove that they actually live in thehouse during the school year, he said.

"I can get into anything, anywhere, (but) without verification Ican, and will not, open the property," Kitchen said.

Chris Calvert, dispatcher for the Muncie Police Department, saidthe department tells people to call a locksmith.

Kitchen said most Ball State students call him because they lockthemselves out at night, and unlike other area locksmiths, he worksnights and weekends. According to Kitchen, students call him aboutonce during the week and about twice during the weekend.

Kitchen said he has denied service to students in the past andwill call the police if necessary.

He recalled one incident involving a man who ran out to his carin his boxers, but also locked himself out of his house. Because hehad no proof of ownership, Kitchen was forced to call thepolice.

Everything was resolved after the police arrived.

Last school year, a fraternity tried to play a prank on anotherhouse. Students attempted to say they were locked out of the house,but they were really trying to steal furniture.

Kitchen told the men that he had to call the police beforeletting them and ended the prank.

It is important to verify that any locksmith is insured in caseof damage, Kitchen said.

Students can compare prices from different locksmiths, but theyshould not make multiple arrangements because it can be a hassle,he said.

Kitchen can be reached anytime at (765) 754-3131 or toll free at(866) 754-3131.

Students who lock themselves out can lessen the problem byfollowing these rules.

-Students should add their names to vehicleregistrations.

- Along with the vehicle registration, a letter written bythe registered owner of the vehicle should show that the student isauthorized to use the vehicle.

- For rental units, keep the current rent receipt in theapartment or on you and not at home with the parents.

- Have documentation that proves residency, such as a currentutility bill.

Locksmith Frank Kitchen does not recommend hiding a keybecause that could lead to break-ins. People should keep a sparekey on them.



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