PROFESSOR IN THE NEWS: Pitts wins community leadership award

Beverley Pitts, provost and vice president for academic affairs,has been awarded the Athena Award for 2003.

The award recognizes a member of the community for helping womenreach their leadership potential. Pitts is the first female provostand vice president at Ball State.

"Dr. Beverley Pitts broke the glass ceiling for women at BallState," E. Jean Amman, assistant to the provost at Ball State,said. "She has helped secure millions of dollars in grants to fundinnovative programs for the university, including a $20 millioniCommunication grant from the Lilly Endowment."

Pitts is also the recipient of the 2003 Women's Equality DayAward in Education.

Sponsors for the Athena Award include Star Financial Bank,Rutter Media, Cardinal Healthsystem, Muncie-Delaware County,Indiana Chamber of Commerce, Muncie Power Products and White RiverLanding.


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