GREENCASTLE — Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark's criticismsof President Bush over his handling of the war in Iraq drew cheersfrom an Indiana audience, just as they have across the country.
The crowd that filled much of DePauw University's gymnasiumTuesday heard the Democratic presidential candidate give fewspecifics on what he would do as president, but he still wasinterrupted several times with applause, and many people waved''Draft Clark'' signs.
The Iraq issue has helped propel Clark to the top of nationalpolls just days after he entered the crowded field seeking theDemocratic nomination.
Clark said the United States needed a new strategy for handlingissues at home and abroad, starting with rebuilding relationshipswith its allies and the United Nations.
''How dare someone say you're either with us or against us,''Clark said. ''We're not going to be safer by building walls aroundour country. We have to build bridges.''
That Clark gave no details about how he would handle theeconomy, education and health care was noticed by audience memberssuch as Paul Bowen, minister of the First Baptist Church inGreencastle, about 30 miles west of Indianapolis.
Bowen called Clark brilliant but said he would be watching formore specifics.
''You can stand up here and talk in generalities, but thequestion is how is that all going to work,'' Bowen said.
Clark said he would lay out his economic platform during aspeech Wednesday in New York. In response to a student's question,he said that beyond the ''current crisis'' regarding terrorism andthe war in Iraq, the country's top problem was unemployment, andthat job-creation would be his top priority as president.
Clark, who was NATO commander during the 1999 campaign in Kosovobut never has held political office, said he doubted that PresidentBush's speech Tuesday at the United Nations would help gain muchinternational support in the Iraqi reconstruction effort.
Clark said he did not believe Bush had treated U.S. allies andthe U.N. with the proper respect.
''Now he has gone to them and asked them for help, and it's notsurprising it's been difficult for him to get the kind of supportfor our country that we need,'' Clark said.
Clark, along with Democratic Sens. John Kerry and Joe Lieberman,were in a virtual tie with Bush in head-to-head matchups in anational poll CNN-USA Today-Gallup released Tuesday.
''As I traveled around the country in the days before Iannounced, I kept feeling this enormous hunger for straight-talkingleadership,'' Clark said. ''And I think the American people arebeginning to understand that it is not going to come from thisadministration. They're looking for new leadership. I think thepoll numbers reflect that.''
The DePauw speech, scheduled weeks ago, is part of theuniversity's Timothy and Sharon Ubben Lecture Series.
Officials at the private school of 2,300 students about 40 mileswest of Indianapolis would not reveal how much Clark was paid forhis speech, but he has received about $30,000 for other recentspeaking engagements.