PHILL IN THE BLANK: College tuition costs split after divorce

The cost of education might be a steep price to pay for somestudents. For children of divorce, it could cost them arelationship with one of their parents.

Alexander Duran, whose daughter was accepted to two privateinstitutions in New England, is fighting to avoid paying $6,000 forhis daughter's tuition at Brown University.

Duran is arguing that the judge is making him pay money for aninstitution that is offering less financial aid than that ofanother school that also accepted his daughter.

"It's not so much the money," Duran told the Associated Press."It's having no input in the decision."

As in all divorce cases, the story carries two or threedifferent sides.

Duran said he is refusing to pay the tuition based on theprinciple that, as a father, he was not included in the decision.Also, he could be protecting himself from someone trying to getrevenge.

Sandra Morris, president of the American Academy of MatrimonialLawyers, gave the Associated Press a different perspective.

"In many situations, it's very tragic," Morris said. "Thedivorced parents don't do what they would have done if they hadstayed together, and the children are pretty much cut off (from anysupport)."

Duran's daughter was accepted to Brown University. Because hiscosts are only $6,000 out of a $29,200 price tag, he should bethankful his daughter received financial aid.

Married parents would be obligated to incur the costs if theyagreed to send their child to an equally priced school.

The Duran decision will be downright difficult for judges. Notonly must they decide who will pay what for tuition, they mighthave a larger voice in where the child attends school than one ofthe parents.

Meanwhile, the family must basically go through divorce hearingsall over again.

One father, Luke Hovland, committed suicide in June after beingjailed for failing to pay more than $16,000 to his ex-wife to coverhalf of their daughter's tuition at Tufts University, according tothe Associated Press.

If it's between a father killing himself and getting anundergraduate degree from Tufts, most children would want to savetheir fathers.

In these cases, students may not be thinking economically.Sometimes, parents just cannot afford prestigious, privateinstitutions. Is it really worth the legal and emotional costs forfour years of an undergraduate degree at schools consideredexceptional?

Good parents want what is best for their children. Sometimes,especially after going through a divorce and restarting theirlives, they cannot afford to pay for their children to go away toschool.

Students and parents need to discuss the cost of collegetogether. If a parent has enough money to cover the bill, thecourts should feel free to step in and assign payment. The bestinterest of the child should be the most important factor in thedebate.

Whether a family is married, divorced or split on the issue ofeducation costs, three parties are responsible. Two legal guardiansand the prospective student must discuss the costs together.

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