OUR VIEW: The media circus is not in town

AT ISSUE: Lack of coverage of Gov. Frank O'Bannon's health disappointing, wrong

Frank O'Bannon remains in critical condition in a Chicagohospital. His gubernatorial powers have been transferred to JoeKernan and the major national media do not care.

Our news moguls have trumpeted even the tiniest occurrences inthe California recall election, the Alabama Ten Commandments caseand the political crisis in Israel. But other than meagerAssociated Press regurgitation in major newspapers, nationalcoverage of O'Bannon's health has been sparse.

At www.cnn.com and www.msnbc.com, there was no front pagemention of O'Bannon, Kernan or the Indiana gubernatorialsituation.

But one of cnn.com's top stories on Thursday was actor TommyChong's indictment for conspiring to sell drug paraphernalia.

The "most trusted name in news" had no information regardingO'Bannon's illness, status or recovery progress or detailingKernan's assumption of the governorship.

Indiana may not be the country's most exciting state, butO'Bannon has been a productive and respected governor since hisinitial election in 1996.

During his tenure, he created the Education Roundtable, acombination of politicians, business leaders and educators, toimprove the state's educational capacity. He pushed to enact anextension of health coverage for poor families.

With all of his successes in Indiana and nationally, hissituation deserves more coverage.

If California governor Gray Davis (or Arnold Schwarzenegger, forthat matter) suddenly had a stroke and was hospitalized, surely hisface would be on the front page of every major newspaper. Thebroadcast and print news magazines would devote huge, impassionedwaves of editorial space to his condition.

But for Frank O'Bannon, there has been barely a ripple. What hasto happen in this state to make the headlines?





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