OUR VIEW: Not your average Joe

AT ISSUE: Indiana is in good hands with Joe Kernan in the Statehouse

Even in Indiana Joe Kernan isn't a household name, but that'sabout to change.

The lieutenant governor -- now acting governor -- announced inDecember that he was bowing out of the race for the state's highestoffice. The overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination, hesent his party scrambling to find a replacement.

Kernan gave a clue regarding his plans for life after politicslast month, saying he and two others might buy South Bend's minorleague baseball team.

But Monday, the reins of power were thrust into his hands.

Kernan's life has certainly prepared him for this moment. Hespent the last six years overseeing the state Senate and theCommerce Department. Before that, he was one of the most popularmayors in South Bend's history; he won the last of his threemayoral campaigns with 82 percent of the vote.

Can Kernan coordinate an organization as massive as a stategovernment? He has experience as an executive at Proctor &Gamble Co., one of the largest companies in the U.S.

Is he prepared to deal with a crisis, should one befall thestate? After spending 11 months as a prisoner of war in Vietnam,very little is likely to overwhelm him.

As Plato said, the best leaders are those who don't want to leadin the first place.

Indiana could hardly be in better hands. Our thoughts are withJoe as he takes on this massive responsibility and with theO'Bannon family as they struggle with the hardship that hasbefallen them.


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