An unauthorized person in plain clothes is impersonating aUniversity Police officer at Scheidler Apartments and seekinginformation on residents' vacation schedules.
Scheidler residents received an e-mail yesterday warning them ofthe suspicious person.
University police are requesting that anyone who has spoken withthis person should contact the University Police immediately at285-1111 to provide a description.
"Residents should not disclose information about theirwhereabouts unless (the person questioning them) can show properidentification," said Alan Hargrave, director of Housing andResidence Life.
University Police are patrolling the area as they have in thepast, but they do not randomly ask residents information of thisnature, according to the e-mail.
Summer Sowers, a Scheidler resident, said a person seekinginformation about residents is very frightening.
"I felt safe here until I heard that," she said.
Hargrave is warning residents to use common sense to avoid anyproblems.
"I think it sounds kind of silly," Scheidler-resident JennyKardatzke said. "I feel safe here, and I have lived in Scheidlerfor two years now."
According to the e-mail, the apartment office only takesinformation about residents' vacations and traveling times whenthey leave emergency-contact numbers with the office.
The contact information is not shared with anyone unless thereis an emergency in the apartment, the e-mail stated.