The new room is located in Room 8 on the bottom level of thelibrary.
The room has two computers, which are used for demonstrations.Students with questions about their own computers can attend thedemonstrations. Students can learn Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshopand tips on creating Web pages.
The walk-in lab will add more computers and get a Macintosh. Thelibrary will also add a link to its Web site called "TechnologyTraining Support Services."
"The Technology Walk-In Room is a good addition to the library,"Emine Yasemin Tunc, who helped create the room, said.
For more information, contact Susan Akers, the library'smarketing communications manager, at 285-5031. The TechnologyWalk-In Room will be open from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Hours will changelater this year.