LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Religion no excuse for discrimination and intolerance

Dear Editor,

I'm writing to voice my support for Melissa Skopelja's articleabout same-sex marriage. I'm so glad another fellow heterosexualknows what I've known all along: homosexuals are not a threat. Theydon't molest children, they don't try to "convert" people (althoughstraight people constantly try to convert them), and they aren'tpromiscuous perverts (How many promiscuous people have any interestin getting married?).

Conservatives are spouting off now about the "sanctity" ofmarriage.� With the legalization of gay marriages on the wayto becoming a reality, they've stepped up their smear campaign, andthey're enlisting the most powerful hypocrites in the nation tosupport them. They claim giving homosexuals equal rights in thisarena threatens their relationships.� Come again? How doesone person's private relationship with another person threaten yourmarriage or your right to marry? If anyone can explain this to me,I'm more than happy to listen.

The fact is, "reality" shows like "Who Wants to Marry aMillionaire?" and "The Bachelor" do a lot more to erode the"sanctity" of marriage than any gay person. People (heterosexualpeople, mind you) who marry at the drop of a hat and then divorcesix months later do more to "desanctify" marriage (whatever thatmeans) than any gay person.�Infidelity, extramaritalaffairs, all these things are perpetrated by straight people (andmany times by politicians and religious leaders, the same onesarguing that we must protect the "sanctity" of marriage).

So what exactly is the "sanctity" of marriage?�I'll tellyou; it's an emotionally loaded term created by people whose solepurpose in life (from the founding of this country to now) seems tobe denying others their God-given human rights. Slave owners usedthe Bible to justify their actions two hundred years ago just likehomophobes do today.�"The Bible gives me the right to treatthese people like garbage."That's not very Christian, now, isit?

I am tired of people, in Washington and in Indiana, hidingbehind the Bible to justify their hatred and prejudice. I am tiredof this conservative conspiracy to deny people their basic humanrights and humiliate them.� I don't give a damn what yourinterpretation of the Bible is; it's not MYinterpretation.�And if I'm not mistaken, there's still aConstitutional amendment declaring a separation of church and state(although some in Washington would have you believe differently);so your religious views, and mine, DO NOT MATTER.

To conclude my rant, this "sanctity" of marriage malarkey servestwo purposes: to maintain some people's sense of moral superiorityat the expense of humiliating others, and to keep homosexualstrapped in the sub-human status they've had to live with forhundreds of years.�Shame on you, President Bush, and shameon every Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, and Hindu who uses hisor her religion to condemn fellow human beings in a sad, desperateattempt to feel superior.�Maybe if those of you who argueagainst homosexual marriage actually read your Bibles in theirentirety (and not just the sections which prop up your shakyscaffold of hatred), you'd find the section which reads: "Thoushalt not hate thy brother in thine heart...Thou shalt not avenge,nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thoushalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Leviticus (a favourite ofhomophobes) 19:17-18.


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