LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Commandments basis of American law and values

Dear Editor,

I was deeply disturbed when I read David Swindle's article aboutthe Ten Commandments controversy Thursday.

The Ten Commandments are much more than a "little detail" in theChristian faith and in our country, for that matter. Our nation wasfounded on the principles of the Bible and the Ten Commandments.Our founding fathers, even if they were not professing Christians,were extremely religious men who respected the Bible and built ourgovernment upon it.

For example, John Adams claimed, "The greatest accomplishment ofthe revolution was to join together by an insoluble bond theprinciples of Christianity and the government."

"Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Biblefor their only law book, and every member should regulate hisconduct by the precepts there contained," he said. "Every memberwould be obliged in conscience to temperance, frugality andindustry; to justice, kindness and charity toward his fellow men;and to piety, love and reverence toward God."

When we begin taking the Ten Commandments and the rest of theBible away from the public sector, we are tearing down the veryfoundations upon which our nation was built.

I believe this is extremely dangerous. We can look back inhistory and very closely trace the moral decay our our country withthe removal of such things as school prayer, Bible teaching and theTen Commandments. After all, how can morality or "love" be definedwithout law?

Jesus, God's Son, did not act above the law, and we as merehumans have immeasurably less right to do so. Jesus taught theGolden Rule, what many would call "true love."

However, He said it "sums up the law and the prophets" of theOld Testament (Matthew 7:12), not that it replaces them. JesusChrist died for us, not in spite of the law, but because of it. Thejustice of the law and humanity's failure to live up to it requiredHis sacrifice.

I completely agree that a Christian's life should becharacterized by love. However, love is nothing without the truthof God's Word, including his law, and vice-versa.


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