Freshman remains 'open-minded,' looks for sorority best fit for her

Formal sorority recruitment will end on Sunday

It's been a long day of classes for freshman Jennifer Tarranceand she has an even longer night ahead of her. She finishes herhomework in the few spare hours she has, leaving enough time toprepare for the busy evening. While some girls around her have acrew of friends help them get dolled up, Tarrance tries to stick tothe basics. Around 9 p.m. masses of girls hit the streets.

That's right. It's sorority recruitment time again.

Sorority Formal Recruitment began Monday and will continuethrough Sunday. The week started off with First Rounds, which beganMonday night and ended Wednesday. During these three days, about330 potential sorority sisters, including Tarrance, visited 11 ofthe Pan-Hellenic Council's participating sorority suites.

"We went to four suites [Monday] and spent around 15 to 20minutes in each one," Tarrance said. She visited four more suitesTuesday and the final three on Wednesday.

Senior Amy Morris, president of Alpha Omicron Pi, said the girlswere separated into groups based on where they live and led by a PiChi. A Pi Chi is a sorority woman who was selected to disaffiliatefrom her sorority chapter for recruitment week to participate inthe week's activities as leaders to the potential sisters. The PiChi escorts her group of girls from suite to suite as well.

"[The sororities] are all similar and very upbeat," Tarrancesaid. "They were doing chants or singing songs as we walked in."The similarities between the sororities made it more difficult forTarrance, however, because Wednesday night she had to rank the 11sorority chapters she had visited.

"I'm trying to stay open minded and have no judgments," shesaid. "I'm going in with the attitude that I don't have to join,I'm not doing this just to be in a sorority. I have my own beliefs... if something matches [that's where I belong]."

To get a better understanding of what each sorority is like,Tarrance, along with all the other potentials, mingled.

"I talked to a couple people at each suite, mostly small talk.At the last suite, you've been asked 'Where are you from?' a coupletimes, but it's nice. [The sororities] did a good job," Tarrancesaid. "They kept the atmosphere up."

Not only are the potential new members ranking the differentchapters, but the different chapters are also ranking them.

"It varies from sorority to sorority but they want people withgoals similar to their organization," said Morris.

The Pan-Hellenic Council, the governing body for Pan-Hellenicsororities, will look at the choices from both sides and matchpotential members and chapters together based on the rankings theyeach made.

Each potential member will receive a list of the sororities shewill revisit during second rounds, which begin Thursday night andcontinue Friday.

For now, though, all Tarrance can do is wonder what sororitieshave taken a liking to her and hope she liked them as well.


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