Life beyond high school is the best time of your life withfreedom, parties, new friends and no more Mom. You can eat what youwant and never clean your room.
Then reality takes over. Difficulties with roommates,loneliness, decision making, laundry and time management creep into shatter the myth. Several students added an interesting andrealistic perspective.
Martin Ryder, a junior who lives on campus, recalled hisfreshman year with a smile.
"It was hard for me to stay on track with homework," he said."Even getting up in the morning was a challenge. I had to buy twoalarm clocks."
He feels his college transition was a positive one based on allthe people he's met and the friends he's made.
Erica Stevenson, a transfer student from Indiana State, seemedpleased with her new surroundings. She said she was in a "good"dorm with air conditioning. However, she admitted communicationwith her roommate was sparse.
Shevonne Pruitt was very homesick at first. Being more thanthree hours from home resulted in many phone calls. Coupled withroommate issues, she felt the transition was difficult.
"My first roommate was an only child and compromise was not inher vocabulary," she said.
She remained with her roommate for the entire year but felt therelationship didn't improve. She was relieved to see her freshmanyear come to an end.
Despite problems with her roommate, she believes gettinginvolved in campus activities is the answer to a positivetransition to college.
Katrina Williams, a secondary education major from Fort Wayne,said she feels her freshman year was beneficial. She's become bestfriends with her roommate and believes she's made a friend forlife.
"I learned a lot last year and was challenged academically," shesaid. "I learned to communicate with my roommate and learned how tobreak away from my mom."
Alicia May, freshman from LaPorte, and Amy Copple, freshman fromBryant, Ohio are roommates. They did an online roommate searchbefore deciding they would spend the year together. They'resettling into a routine and each seemed pleased with the choicesthey've made.
Karyssa Wagner, a freshman from LaPorte, is pleased with hernewly found freedom. She indicated it was hard to meet people forthe first time.
"People are generally friendly, but it's hard when you don'tknow anyone," she said.
Jennifer Dadlow, a graphics arts major from LaPorte, believescollege has met her expectations. She feels the campus is easy tonavigate. Adjusting to the food seemed to be a problem for herthough.
"I have never eaten this much fast food before," she said, "Iused to eat lots of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."
Dadlow, Wagner and May are from the same high school in LaPorteso they felt they had an edge by having familiar faces.
Sarah Aldridge, a sophomore from Muncie, opted to live in thedorm rather than at home. As a freshman it was very difficult tobreak away from home.
"My mom and I are good friends," she said. "Moving into the dormwas a transition for both of us."
She believes she's gained a great deal of independence and haslearned to make her own decisions by moving on campus. She admittedshe liked having her home close enough to drop in for a meal or todo laundry occasionally.
Each student begins his or her college career with expectationsabout what college life will entail. Transitions are oftendifficult and often can be traumatic when expectations are shroudedin myth. Seeking assistance with problem solving, becoming involvedin campus activities, volunteering, and taking advantage of campusservices will assist in making a positive adjustment.