The triumph and tragedy of four high school students will takecenter stage at Emens tonight as they work toward the ultimate goalof immortality: fame.
Phoenix Productions, a traveling musical theater company, willpresent the show.
"Fame" follows the lives of a talented group of studentsattending New York City's High School of Performing Arts in theearly 1980s. The show looks into their four-year journey -- fromauditions to gaining acceptance to school to graduation.
The audience peers into the students' hopes, dreams andaspirations.
The musical is based on the LaGuardia School of Performing Artsin New York City, commonly labeled the "Fame" school. While tuitionis free, the audition process is painstaking, and the school'steachers are demanding.
The musical is not the first installment of the story's plot.Originally, "Fame" was released as a movie in 1980. David De Silva,or "Father Fame," wrote it. After four Academy Award nominationsand an Oscar, producers fed off the audience hysteria andtransformed the movie into a television series. The TV seriesreceived two Emmy Awards during its six-year run.
The TV show became the musical in 1990 after playwrightJos� Fernandez wrote the script. It has been performed morethan 5,000 times worldwide in 16 countries. Fame has been touringNorth America for three years.
"The reason 'Fame' is so popular with audiences is that itpromotes the idea that success follows talent and dedication, butnot without its share of highs and lows, victories and defeats,laughter and tears," Michael McFadden, cofounder of PhoenixProductions and producer of the current 'Fame' tour, said.
Because "Fame" attempts to present social issues in a real-lifemanner, some of the language and context may not be suitable foryounger viewers. The producers do not recommend the show for thoseunder 13 years old. The show runs two and a half hours with a15-minute intermission.
Tickets are available through the Emens Auditorium Box OfficeMonday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tickets may also be purchased through Ticketmaster at (765)644-3131. The show is free to Ball State students with their IDcard until 6 p.m. today. The limit is one ticket per student or oneperson may obtain up to four tickets if he or she presents fourBall State ID cards: the person's own and those belonging to thethree other students. The cost for those not attending Ball Stateranges from $45 to $35.
Inspired by the Academy Award-winning film and EmmyAward-winning television series, Fame is an emotionallycharged, red-hot spectacular new production. From street corners tonightclubs to national television, the quest for fame fascinatessome and drives others to the edge of endurance. Follow the dynamic24-member ensemble as they search for thier elusive goal whileattending New York's High School of Performing Arts. They willelectrify with brilliant music and vivacious choreography that willhave you dancing in the aisles. - Emens Auditorium
Reserved seating: $45/40/36/32
Youth: $15
Wednesday Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m.