FACES IN THE CROWD: Students create 'Nu' fraternity

If you don't like something, change it.

In today's technology-driven, fast-paced society, people oftensettle for what might not be best, but what is convenient.

Some students out there are working against the grain,though.

Last spring, Tim Brinkmeyer, then a sophomore, and a few of hisfriends thought they would test out the greek waters. No, they didnot take a trip to the Mediterranean. Instead, they exploreddifferent fraternities.

Frankly, Brinkmeyer said, none of the organizations fit theirstyles.

"There was nothing bad about them," Brinkmeyer said. "We justdidn't feel like we fit in. So, we thought, 'Hey, why not make ourown?'"

And so they did.

Brinkmeyer and a group of about 10 men decided to add a newfraternity to the mix.

Thus was born Nu Sigma Psi. It's not a coincidence that thefirst letter is a homophone for "new." It's also not simply ironicthat the greek letters look strikingly like the word.

It's not that easy to be recognized as a fraternity, though.Groups must first be recognized as an organization before joiningthe Interfraternity Council.

Brinkmeyer and company petitioned and became a recognizedorganization. They are listed right there on the Web site, rightbefore PeaceWorkers and just after the Non-Traditional StudentAssociation.

The group's description is straightforward ("Nu Sigma Psi is asocial and philanthropic organization for men.), but its futurefuture is not.

Brinkmeyer, the organization's president, says Nu Sigma Psi hasno preplanned destination. The group of 15 also has nocommon-living quarters, and they have no immediate plans to joinIFC.

Right now, it's just a dozen or so guys enjoying the opportunitythat their names might have to be memorized by pledges in thegenerations to come.

"The cool thing about us being new is you have a chance of beinga founding father," Brinkmeyer said. "If you ask any of the otherguys at the other fraternities, they'd say being a founding fatherwould be pretty cool."

Brinkmeyer said the group is open to recruitment "any day, anytime of the year." The organization has had neither the time northe funds to host a large event, but that will come.

Right now, the group is prepping for Homecoming. Brinkmeyer saysNu Sigma Psi will be involved in every event possible.

Funny how all of this started from one off-the-cuff commentabout making something happen.

One of Nu Sigma Psi's four cornerstones is leadership. Perhaps alesson can be learned from Brinkmeyer and others who take such aninitiative.

If you like how things are going, get involved so you can keepthem going in that direction.

If you don't, start something Nu.

Write to Jay at jdkenworthy@bsu.edu



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