DESIDERATA: COMMENTS FROM AN OLD HIPPIE: Students need voice in campus decisions

Each year it gets worse: special fees and higher general cost. Now its "cutting programs" without the support of the faculty or students. Sometimes you have to wonder if we all have the same reason for being here at Ball State.

Ever wonder what would happen to a major company if its senior managers, employees and customers constantly ignored each other's input? If they all became myopic when looking at a problem and then limited their formal and informal feedback to only what they wanted to hear? Maybe the "powers-that-be" around here should call United Airlines for insight on that question.

Professor Bennett wrote in the Aug. 26 Muncie Star Press that "preventing faculty and students from having a significant role in campus governance" has become a campus tradition. This is not acceptable, for it is a slap in our face, no matter what position "we" may hold here. It is one tradition we must unite to destroy.

If destroying this tradition is not number one on everyone's to-do list, everything that was done to rebuild and improve the University Senate was just PR spin for the university's certification needs. If we allow this tradition to continue, our quest for diversity is a lie! The importance of diversity is the interaction between people, all people, including students, faculty and staff.

President Brownell and the administration are all honorable and bright people. Their decisions, they believe, are in the best interest of the students, faculty and staff, and the future potential of the university. They may be concerned that the noise caused by the increasing pressure for answers and solutions will cause all of us to lose touch with why we are here.

I do not believe anyone wants this "tradition" to continue. I do believe we each need to remember why we are here. To educate and be educated, to show everyone that we not only can "talk the talk" when it comes to diversity but we can also "walk the walk." Especially if that "walk" will improve our ability to offer the campus community a more significant role in campus governance.

Write to Eric at


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