In some of your e-mails, you asked why I was so negative aboutPresident Brownell. In other e-mails, you said that the opinion ofthe community has little to do with what the university does, solittle can be done about the cuts or anything else.
Sorry you feel that way. Let's start with PresidentBrownell.
I have nothing but respect for President Brownell, and I wouldnever question his honor or professional abilities. As one readersaid in his e-mail, "He is better than most," one reader said inhis e-mail. "(He) reaches about as far in the way of students,faculty and staff as is allowed."
I totally agree. He could be the right man at the right time tohelp us make the changes we need, but his actions must always showhe is listening and not just acting as the Overseer on thisEducational Plantation.
The president must be a positive bridge between the factionswithin our community.
It is our job to stay on top of the problems and show oursupport or opposition. It is his job to listen and then work withthe community to build a 'win-win situation.' If the totalcommunity does not voice its feelings in words and actions, thepresident can only hear and only answer to a very small part ofthis community-- the part can be found in all communities, the"powers-that-want-to-be." They keep whispering: "If power corrupts,then absolute power is wonderful, and with that kind of power wecan do anything."
We must remind the trustees, the president and the state thatthis is a public university and that we are the public thatsupports it. We generate cash by paying to attend classes. With ourtax dollars and gifts we help to build and repair thisuniversity.
In Professor Rushton's feedback, he said that student fees payfor 70 percent of the athletic budget. If that's right, then thestudents should have been given 70 percent control over thedecision to cut the athletic programs. What do you think would havehappen if 70 percent of the student body showed up at thePresidents office at the same time to protest the cuts and theirlack of input? Might have been interesting; Heck, it might havemade the 6 o'clock news.
I expect -- no-- I demand that President Brownell be thatpositive bridge. When he slips and starts listening to the"Powers-that-want-to-be," I will remind him to stop listening, andI hope you will too.
To each of you who found the time to share your opinions with me-- thank you. All I ever wanted to do was to start a conversationin hopes that it might lead to a few seconds of thought about whatis happening right here, right now.
When someone asks me why I believe we all must work together tomake things better, I think of something President John Kennedysaid in the early 60s about making a positive difference. "If notnow, when? If not us, who?" Each time I share my thoughts with you,those two simple words -- "now" and "us" -- remind me that thiscommunity can make a difference. I know it will.
What do you think? See you next week. I hope.
Write to Eric at