George Carlin said he knows who should be eliminated from theplanet, and he told Ball State students and Muncie residentsThursday night.
Carlin's list of victims was part of just one of many skits heperformed at Emens Auditorium.
"He's like the raunchy grandpa that I never had," freshmanDanielle Nickel said.
From suicide to sex, Carlin has a comment about it.
"Somebody's got to think of this s***," Carlin said. "I've beenappointed."
Comedian Dennis Blair opened for Carlin. Blair is best known forhis music satires.
"I think that his impersonations were good, especially hissongs," freshman Matt Ward said.
After Blair's performance and a short intermission, Carlin cameout to the stage in his everyday-black t-shirt and jeans andimmediately amused the audience with his blunt and nonconservativetactics.
"Everybody wishes they knew an old guy like George Carlin,"sophomore Brianne Nickel said. "He tells you what he thinks.Nothing's sugar-coated."
Freshman Eric Jensen said he has to write a paper on hisexperience at the event.
"I'm going to write about primarily poop jokes and some dirtywords," he said.
Carlin's main themes skimmed along those lines.
Carlin played "Mister Conductor" on "Shining Time Station," buthis comedy is infamously known for his "Filthy Words" gig thatspurred an uproar from the Federal Communications Commission afterit was played on a radio station in New York.
"I'm an idea man," Carlin said. "I'm a concept guy. I'm avisionary!"
Carlin shared his insight with the audience about differenttopics, including good ideas for songs, a 24-hour suicide channelon broadcast television and any aspect of cancer.
"Even though he can seem offensive at first, Carlin actually canmake some good points," freshman Matt DeGeeter. "He talked aboutdomestic violence and women's rights."
Carlin is currently working on his thirteenth HBO special andthe first "one-man" Broadway show, "Watch My Language." He alsowill play a supporting role in "Jersey Girl," which comes out in2004.