Senior Ali Kearns likes getting involved.
Kearns, a psychology major graduating in December, is involvedin more than six organizations on campus.
She's president of the Panhellenic Council, which coordinatesactivities with chapters from 11 greek organizations.
As president, Kearns oversees all offices in the council andworks with chapter presidents. The group also arranges greekprograms, scholarships and community service projects.
"Because I'm president, I get to be involved in a lot," Kearnssaid.
During recruitment week, Kearns and the vice president ofrecruitment worked to help about 330 recruits get involved.
Kearns is also a member of the Student Campus Life Council, RhoLambda (an honorary greek organization for women), Student ActivityCommittee, Student Center Committee and Campus Community AlcoholCoalition.
"I like getting involved because it keeps you involved and helpsdevelop leadership and people skills," Kearns said.
Kearns said she has gained skills in her activities that willprepare her for life after college.
"And I work with a lot of great people who make it a lot offun," she said.